Our Vision: “Building CT’s Economy, Communities and Better Lives One Home at a Time.”
Our Mission: “Using Effective Advocacy & New Knowledge to Solve Our Member’s Problems.”
Advocacy & Knowledge – What the HBRA of CT does for YOU!
We lobby for and against legislation and regulations to help protect the housing industry. The HBRA of CT writes proposed legislation and amendments, gets them introduced, opposes adverse language, testifies at public hearings, writes talking points and supporting statements, gathers facts and data, and actively promotes the industry at formal and informal meetings with state legislators, regulators, coalition partners and other stakeholders.
Rep. Ackert Leads Calls to Amend Apprenticeship Hiring Ratios
(HARTFORD) – On Wednesday, State Representative Tim Ackert (R-Coventry) held a press conference calling for an amendment to state apprenticeship hiring ratios in certain construction trades. Ackert, who has been a licensed electrician for over 30 years, was joined by several skilled labor employers and employees that support changing hiring ratios in order to reinforce an aging workforce.
According to current law, which dates back to the late 1960s, the state mandates that each licensed apprenticeship sponsor must abide by a 1:3 (apprentice-to-licensed-contractor) ratio, after hiring their first three apprentices. This means that in order to hire one new apprentice, each employer must already employ three licensed contractors in that trade. The shared concern Wednesday was that this 1:3 ratio has limited the number of prospective apprentices from entering the workforce, threatening overall job growth amidst increasing demands for the installation of school heating and cooling systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and residential heat pumps.
Jim Perras, CEO of the Home Builders & Remodelers Association, said, “Housing production is low while demand has never been higher. We have had a depressed workforce since the ‘great recession’ on top of studies showing that 63,000 young adults are ‘disassociated from work or school’. Changing these ratios will act as the necessary step to put our state on track for labor growth and to give youth competitive career opportunities.”
Jim Perras (starts at 21.4 minutes)
Senate committee poised to approve natural gas restrictions
February 14, 2024
A Senate committee has scheduled a vote on new natural gas restrictions this week. HB 1589 affects nearly 800,000 households in six counties in Washington. Currently served by Puget Sound Energy (PSE), these households could face costly changes should the Legislature approve the bill in its current form.
While the bill continues to change, the language being considered allows PSE to choose when it’s no longer financially beneficial to provide natural gas service to new and existing customers and force customers to use a natural gas alternative. The Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee heard testimony on the bill on Jan. 31. Watch Building Industry Association of Washington lobbyist Brent Ludeman.
Here’s an example of one way we are using the graphic to fight a specific piece of legislation here in Washington: https://www.biaw.com/natural-gas-restrictions-2/
Advocating For You
- Lobbying the state legislature and agencies
- Annual Home Building Industry Day at the Capitol (HBID)
- “Friend-of-the-court” briefs in legal cases
- Grassroots link for HBRA members to Congress
- Working with allied and other interest groups to affect sound public policies
Please contribute to HDF – Your help goes a long way to improve our industry
- HBRA Build-PAC and Political Action Committee
- Promoting state legislative candidates friendly toward our concerns
- Supporting the NAHB Build-PAC and the HBRACT’s Gov’t Affairs efforts thru the Annual Fiano Family Golf Classic
Building CT’s Economy & Communities One Home at a Time.
The state HBRA’s Board of Directors, Senior Officers, committees, councils, and task groups, working together as a team with professional staff, offer HBRA members many opportunities to solve industry problems and promote its growth, upholding the highest degree of professionalism, integrity, work ethic, association management expertise and industry knowledge.