State Legislative Advocacy
Government Affairs Committee
The HBRA of CT’s advocacy and issue policy efforts are governed by the association’s Government Affairs Committee, a diverse group of HBRA members from across the state. Advocacy and policy work is managed by professional staff. All HBRA members are invited to participate on the Government Affairs Committee, or any one or more of its issue specific GA Task Groups. Join the weekly GA Committee conference call Friday afternoons at 2pm. Participate in the conversaton or listen in, your input is important to ensuring good legislation is passed in CT for our industry. We need your experience and expertise on industry issues – click here and be added to the committee. For questions please contact our CEO and in-house lobbyist [email protected].
Bob Wiedenmann, Jr., Sunwood Development Corp. – CHAIR
Join our Codes & Standards Committee is chaired by Johnny Carrier of By Carrier, Inc. Johnny has accepted this volunteer position for the HBRA CT, and sits on the CT Codes and Standards Committee working on our state standards. He attends the meetings and meets with this committee as needed for feedback and assistance. Please consider joining this important committee in our industry. If you are a new home builder or remodeler with codes experience, we can use your expertise! To get involved, Contact us.
The 2024 Connecticut General Assembly legislative session has come to close. Is been a busy session for the residential construction industry. The document below is a quick update to share how HBRA legislative priorities fared. A more complete legislative wrap up will be provided at a later date.
Find Your Legislators and other helpful links
Find Your Legislators – click to find your State Senator and State Representative who serve in the CT General Assembly and make state laws, as well as your U.S. Representative (i.e., Congressman of Congresswoman) who serves in the federal House of Representatives and, with CT’s two U.S. Senators, make federal laws.
CT General Assembly – click to go to the state legislature’s web site, where you can search for statutes, pending legislation, public hearing testimony, and more, such as reports and summaries of laws or proposed laws from non-partisan staff offices.
CT-N Live Coverage – when the state legislature (i.e., CT General Assembly) is in session, many committee hearings and meetings, as well as debates on the floor of the House and Senate, are covered live by CT-N. While many legislators and committees work throughout the year on proposals, the state legislature is officially “in session” from January to June in odd-numbered years, and from February to May in even-numbered years. State laws can be amended or adopted only when the legislature is officially in these regular sessions. Special sessions are sometimes called by the Governor at other times of the year to amend or adopt laws or state budgets not dealt with during a regular session.
State Courts – click here to go to the State Government’s Judicial Branch.
HBRA Codes & Standards Committee Members:
Johnny Carrier, By Carrier, Inc. – CHAIR
Greg Chandler, Gold Shield Construction
Art Ciccarello, Ciccarello Building Company
Marc Michaud, Michaud Development Group
Rob Powers, Nelson Construction
Bob Wiedenmann, Jr, Sunwood Development Corporation